Question and answer

Questions and Answers



Exercise 1

Answer these questions, basing your answer on the text.

a. What is the difference between our basic needs and our additional wants?

b. What example is used to show that utility varies from person to person?

c. What example is used to show that it varies from nation to nation?

d. What example is used to show that it varies from time to time?

e. What example is used to show that utility is related to quantity?

Exercise 2

Say whether these statements are TRUE or FALSE

a. Our basic needs are complex.

b. Usefulness should not be confused with utility.

c. Vegetarians rate the utility of meat very highly.

d. In wartime the utility of pianos is highly.

e. The demand for paper goes down if the quantity of paper increases.



Exercise 1

a. Our basic needs are simply, but our additional individual wants are often very complex.

b. A vegetarian does not want meat, but many rate the utility of banana very highly, while a meat-eater many prefer steak.

c. A mountain-republic like Switzerland has little interest in submarines, while maritime nations rate them highly.

d. In wartime, the utility of bombs is high, and the utility of pianos is low. while a bombs can not be useful in time of peace.

e. If paper is freely available, people will not be so interested in buying to much of it. If there is an excess of paper, the relative demand for paper will go down.

Exercise 2

a. Our basic needs are complex. = FALSE

b. Usefulness should not be confused with utility. = TRUE

c. Vegetarians rate the utility of meat very highly. = FALSE

d. In wartime the utility of pianos is highly. = FALSE

e. The demand for paper goes down if the quantity of paper increases. = TRUE

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